The realm is in chaos. People are dying.
Then Commander Zens breaches the realm gate, bringing his army of shadow dragons and tharuks to the heart of Dragons' Hold. And Master Giddi, the most powerful mage in the realm, attacks-now bound to Zens' will.
Dragons' Realm must fight back or everything Ezaara, Roberto and Kierion hold dear will be destroyed.
Dragon War is the explosive fifth book in the thrilling Riders of Fire young adult epic fantasy series. If you like strong heroines, nail-biting action and dragons, then you'll love this adrenaline ride.
Jump on your dragon with Dragon War to battle dark dragonsRiders of Fire Series:
Free prequel: Bronze Dragon
Book 1: Ezaara
Book 2: Dragon Hero
Book 3: Dragon Rift
Book 4: Dragon Strike
Coming in 2020
Book 5: Dragon War
Book 6: Sea Dragon
Book 7: Dragon Healer
Book 8: Dragon Mage
Silver Dragon, another Riders of Fire free prequel is available only on Eileen's website.