First published in 1986, Drama in the English Classroom demonstrates the contribution of drama in an English classroom. It suggests that drama activities, language work, and the reading of fiction can all enrich each other in ways which promote the aims of the English teacher.
The author draws on his own classroom experience and on that of the teachers whom he guided (on long-term in-service work) through the process of learning to use drama effectively. He offers many examples to illustrate the opportunities and the problems of using drama in English. Planning, key drama strategies, major pitfalls, evaluation, and the rewards of drama are examined from the viewpoint of an English teacher who senses that drama has a great deal to offer in the classroom but is at first unsure of what and how. As major part of his book is presented in form of a teacher's journal, we see the author trying things, reflecting on the result, talking to a more experienced colleague, and steadily finding out what drama can contribute and how he can achieve this in his teaching. This book is an encouraging and helpful guide for anyone who wishes to use drama effectively but is unsure of the first steps.
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