D+Q presents the latest anthology of new comics talent from around the world.
D+Q publisher Chris Oliveros started the company by publishing a quarterly magazine of the world's best comics talent, which over the years became an award-winning deluxe coffee-table anthology that featured cartoon classics of yesteryear, such as Gasoline Alley, and today's French comics superstars Dupuy & Berberian. Fourteen years later, Oliveros noticed an explosion of new talent from around the globe, so he decided to combine two of the things he does best-publishing anthologies and nurturing talent. The result is the Drawn & Quarterly Showcase, which is one of the most exciting outlets for readers to find new comics talent. Book Three features three cartoonists from around the world: Genevieve Castr e from Canada, Matt Broersma from England, and Sammy Harkham from the United States, whose previous graphic novella, Poor Sailor, was excerpted in the David Eggers-edited Best American Nonrequired Reading 2004.