1 Introduction
2 Velocity measurements in tokamaks
2.1 Doppler shifts
2.1.1 Passive
2.1.2 Active
2.2 Mode rotation
3 Momentum Sources
3.1 Direct rotation drive
3.1.1 Neutral beam injection
3.1.2 Ion cyclotron range of frequencies waves
3.1.3 Lower hybrid waves
3.1.4 Electron cyclotron waves
3.1.5 Miscellaneous
3.2 Indirect rotation drive
3.2.1 Orbit shift jxB forces
3.2.2 Fast ion and electron loss due to toroidal magnetic field ripple
3.2.3 Edge thermal ion orbit loss
4 Momentum sinks
4.1 Neutral damping
4.2 Locked modes, magnetic braking and neo-classical toroidal viscosity
4.3 Edge localized modes
5 Comparison with neo-classical theory
5.1 Poloidal rotation
5.2 Toroidal rotation
5.3 Poloidal asymmetries
6 Residual stress6.1 Enhanced confinement regimes
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