El anhelo m s grande de todo ser humano es contar con un respaldo que garantice su autonom a y libertad econ mica para tomar decisiones. Noventa por ciento de las personas que han logrado esta holgura econ mica comenzaron su vida sin un centavo en la bolsa, y fue la inteligencia financiera lo que les permiti alcanzar la mayor meta econ mica en la vida. Si t est s interesado, gracias a este libro podr s alcanzar lo que parece un sue o.
You have here a complete plan for exercising complete control over your money and not letting money control you.
The greatest wish of any human being is to count on a support that guarantees their autonomy and economic freedom to make decisions. Ninety percent of people who have achieved this level of comfort began their lives without a cent in their pockets, and it was financial intelligence that allowed them to reach their ultimate economic goal. If you are interested, you, too, can reach this goal thanks to this book.