Each chapter is a different case for Inspector Caramba. At the end of each case, a question will make you do some detective work. Will you be able to answer it correctly and solve the case? The answer to the question is encoded, and you will only be able to read it with the help of the super detective's magnifying glass! Included in the book. Recommended to improve reading comprehension. The Comisario Caramba books are different, children have a fantastic time becoming detectives while they read carefully to be able to understand the story and solve each case. And afterwards they have to use the super detective magnifying glass to crack the solution! Why would there be a sock inside the consul's soup? Who is filling the forest with mess? How can you start a car without the keys? Who has stolen the box with the money? To be able to work all of this out, Inspector Rel?mpago (Inspector Lightening) doesn't need the new pill for intelligence from Professor Kr?tenstein: he has plenty of intelligence.