Un accidente real en el Pa s Vasco de los a os ochenta, la vida devastada de una familia. Una historia emocionante, adictiva y conmovedora, como solo Aramburu sabe contar.
Nicasio, ya jubilado, acostumbra a subir los jueves al cementerio de Ortuella a visitar la tumba de su nieto. Es uno de los muchos ni os fallecidos tras una explosi n de gas en un colegio de aquella localidad, un accidente que sacudi al Pa s Vasco y a toda Espa a en 1980. Por las andanzas del abuelo, una figura que se agranda hasta hacerse inolvidable, por el testimonio de la madre muchos a os despu s, por la cr nica objetiva de lo que le ocurri a la familia, descubriremos c mo aquella tragedia lacerante y devastadora les alter , c mo sac a relucir aspectos inesperados, c mo trastoc sus vidas. Con la maestr a habitual de Aramburu, el lector se ver inmerso en una historia de emociones inesperadas, una exploraci n psicol gica y literaria con afilado bistur que nos mantiene pegados al devenir de los destinos de los protagonistas. Una novela que alberga una densidad emocional tan alta que exige una lectura atenta, hasta la ltima l nea, para entender, comprender, emocionarnos con el destino de sus protagonistas.
Nueva entrega del extraordinario friso de Gentes Vascas , El ni o es una historia desgarradora, inolvidable, un prodigio literario del mejor Aramburu. Por el tratamiento human simo de los protagonistas, y por los recursos literarios empleados, El ni o vuelve a ser una novela memorable, llamada a convertirse en acontecimiento literario.
A real accident in the Basque Country in the 1980s, the devastated life of a family. An exciting, addictive, and moving story, as only Aramburu can tell.
Nicasio, now retired, usually goes up to the Ortuella cemetery on Thursdays to visit his grandson's grave. He is one of the many children who died after a gas explosion in a school in that town, an accident that shook the Basque Country and all of Spain in 1980. Through the adventures of the grandfather, a figure that grows until it becomes unforgettable, through the testimony of the mother many years later, through the objective chronicle of what happened to the family, we will discover how that lacerating and devastating tragedy altered them, how it brought out unexpected aspects, how it disrupted their lives. With Aramburu's usual mastery, the reader will be immersed in a story of unexpected emotions, a psychological and literary exploration with a sharp scalpel that keeps us glued to the unfolding destinies of the protagonists. A novel that harbors such a high emotional density that it demands attentive reading, to the last line, to understand, comprehend, and be moved by the fate of its protagonists.
The new installment of the extraordinary fresco of "Gentes Vascas," El ni o is a heartbreaking, unforgettable story, a literary marvel of the best Aramburu. Due to the deeply human treatment of the protagonists and the literary resources employed, El ni o is once again a memorable novel, destined to become a literary event.