Mezcla de cuento, ciencia y c mic, esta historia acerca a los lectores m s j venes al pensamiento de Dan Ariely, famoso divulgador de las ciencias de la conducta.
David se meti en graves problemas. No hizo la tarea, sus pap s (mejor conocidos como el Alto Mando) ya se enteraron y van a tomar medidas dr sticas: tal vez cancelen el fin de semana en casa de su mejor amigo, y ni hablar de la bici nueva Por fortuna, tiene un aliado: Dot, un perro robot que sabe de ciencia. As , gracias a unos audaces experimentos cient ficos, David se convierte en el Profesor D y demuestra que ning n adulto en casa puede dar lecciones de disciplina... Claro, eso a sus pap s no les hace gracia, y l sigue sin hacer la tarea Podr nuestro h roe escapar de ella y del Alto Mando?
Y al final del libro encontrar s una gu a para hacer experimentos como los de David
A mixture of story, science and comic, this story brings younger readers closer to the thought of Dan Ariely, a famous popularizer of behavioral sciences.
David got into serious trouble. He didn't do his homework, his parents (better known as the High Command) have already found out and are going to take drastic measures: maybe they will cancel the weekend at their best friend's house, not to mention the new bike Fortunately, he has an ally: Dot, a robot dog who knows about science. Thus, thanks to some daring scientific experiments, David becomes Professor D and proves that no adult at home can give discipline lessons... Of course, his parents are not amused by that, and he still doesn't do his homework Will our hero be able to escape her and the High Command?
And at the end of the book you'll find a guide to doing experiments like David's