In 2005, Brandon Sanderson debuted with Elantris, an epic fantasy unlike any other then on the market. To celebrate its tenth anniversary, Tor is reissuing Elantris in a special edition, a fresh chance to introduce it to the myriad readers who have since become...
In 2005, Brandon Sanderson debuted with Elantris, an epic fantasy unlike any other then on the market. To celebrate its tenth anniversary, Tor is reissuing Elantris in a special edition, a fresh chance to introduce it to the myriad readers who have since become...
The exciting debut novel of bestselling epic fantasy author Brandon Sanderson, Elantris!
La ciudad de Elantris, poderosa y bella capital de Arelon, hab?a sido llamada la "ciudad de los dioses". Anta?o famosa sede de inmortales, un lugar repleto de poderosa magia, Elantris ha ca?do en desgracia. Ahora s?lo acoge a los nuevos "muertos en vida", postrados en una insufrible...
Una novela imprescindible para los amantes de la fantas?a ?pica. Por el consagrado autor del g?nero Brandon Sanderson. Edici?n d?cimo aniversario: versi?n definitiva del autor «La m?s bella novela de fantas?a que se escribir?...
Elantris was the capital of Arelon: gigantic, beautiful, literally radiant, filled with benevolent beings who used their powerful magical abilities for the benefit of all. Yet each of these demigods was once an ordinary person until touched by the mysterious transforming power...