Al Bluman's Elementary Statistics takes a non-theoretical approach to teaching the course. Statistics is the language of today's world and Bluman's market-leading Step-by-Step Approach makes it easy to learn and understand! Helping students move from the computational to the...
ELEMENTARY STATISTICS: A STEP BY STEP APPROACH is for introductory statistics courses with a basic algebra prerequisite. The book is non-theoretical, explaining concepts intuitively and teaching problem solving through worked examples and step-by-step instructions. In recent...
Elementary Statistics: A Step By Step Approach is for introductory statistics courses with a basic algebra prerequisite. The text follows a nontheoretical approach, explaining concepts intuitively and supporting them with abundant examples. In recent editions, Al Bluman has placed...
Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach was written as an aid in the beginning statistics course to students whose mathematical background is limited to basic algebra. The book follows a nontheoretical approach without formal proofs, explaining concepts intuitively and...
Allan Bluman explains the basics of statistics in an intuitive and non-theoretical way, using worked examples and step-by-step instructions. This edition places more emphasis on conceptual understanding and Excel, MINITAB and other computing technologies.