It is almost certain that you must have heard of emotional intelligence. It is a term bandied about in the media and in modern-day literature. So, it is almost certain that you must have heard of emotional intelligence. What cannot be vouched for, however, is the accuracy of your knowledge of emotional intelligence.
In this book, an attempt will be made to demystify the subject of emotional intelligence and how important it is for an individual. Furthermore, we will also proffer the benefits of emotional intelligence, how it can be applied in your everyday life; from the home to the workplace, to even your relationship.
In this book, you will find out that there is something for everyone. The principles found within these pages will sustain you through your journey in life, regardless of your position in life.
The aim of this book will have been achieved if at the end you have an accurate understanding of what emotional intelligence is and that you have started applying its principles to your relationships.
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