Emotional Intelligence, or EI, as it is often abbreviated, was a term first used in the 1960s. It is described as the ability to recognise, understand, and manage your own emotions, and those of others.
There are also several different measures, and scales, of EI, that have been developed over the decades. And while there is some research to suggest that such measures can be a factor for personal and professional success, this relationship is not clear, or strong. So, measuring EI with complicated EQ questionnaires, and calculations, may not really be that effective, after all
This Book, however, does not measure your EQ, or cover any of these EI Models. Instead, I cover the real research, and studies, on various emotions, from Psychology. I focus on the more complex human emotions, which are unique to human beings, and I look at the themes connecting these emotions.
These themes have a powerful effect on our thinking, judgment and decision-making. These effects can be good, but can also be very misleading, and even harmful. And we can, and should, control, and manage these effects
This Book aims to give you deeper insights, and provide the latest Research Findings, on several key Human Emotions, from Psychology, Neuroscience and Behavioral Economics. This will give you deeper perspectives and lessons that are grounded in real research and evidence.
Learn about how your different emotions affect your judgements and decisions, your behavior and interactions. And learn how to use this valuable knowledge to understand them, and manage them better, hugely improving your Leadership, Management and Social Skills
Rather than being organized around the usual emotions of Happiness, Sadness, Anger etc. this Book is organized around themes that are built around our emotions...
1. Happiness and Resilience
2. Empathy, Disgust, and Us vs. Them,
3. Control, and
4. Social emotions
These Themes typically consist of multiple emotions, which together form a concept, and greatly influence our thinking, behavior and decisions. And that is what we should be aware of, manage, and control.
I also cover other individual emotions, and their effects, at the end of the Book. Learn about the science and research behind human emotions, and become a more responsible, informed, aware and emotionally intelligent Leader
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