After twenty-three years, Orson Scott Card returns to his acclaimed bestselling series with the first true, direct sequel to the classic Ender's Game.
After twenty-three years, Orson Scott Card returns to his acclaimed best-selling series with the first true, direct sequel to the classic Ender's Game.
After twenty-three years, Orson Scott Card returns to his acclaimed bestselling series with the first true, direct sequel to the classic Ender's Game.
The direct sequel to Ender's Game Thirteen year-old Ender Wiggin has saved mankind from an alien threat. His reward? Exile. Branded a monster by those who feel threatened by his military genius, Ender is suddenly a hero without a home. Consumed with guilt, Ender must face his...
After twenty-three years, Orson Scott Card returns to his acclaimed best-selling series with the first true, direct sequel to the classic Ender's Game.
The direct sequel to Ender's Game Thirteen year-old Ender Wiggin has saved mankind from an alien threat. His reward? Exile. Branded a monster by those who feel threatened by his military genius, Ender is suddenly a hero without a home. Consumed with guilt, Ender must face his...
Ender en el exilio es la sexta entrega de la aclamada Saga de Ender , que comenz a publicarse en 1985 con El juego de Ender y obtuvo los premios Hubo y Nebula. Ender en el exilio ocurre unos cuatrocientos a os despu s de lo narrado en El juego de...
After twenty-three years, Orson Scott Card returns to his acclaimed best-selling series with the first true, direct sequel to the classic Ender's Game.
After beating the buggers and leave the Battle School, Ender Wiggin leaves in search of the planet where the "hive queens" from the "buggers" have met. But the commander of the ship that takes him wants to be the shadow power behind Ender or get him the power. Ender has seen...
Orson Scott Card returns to his best-selling series with a new Ender novel.At the close ofEnder's Game, Andrew Wiggin called Ender by everyone is told that he can no longer live on Earth, and he realizes that this is the truth. He has become far more than just a boy who won a...