Access all of the latest advances in thyroid disorder management with The Thyroid Gland Brought to you by the same leading endocrinologists responsible for the highly acclaimed two-volume textbook, Endocrinology: Adult and Pediatric, this derivative book presents a compilation of chapters covering all material related to the thyroid gland. Never before available as a stand-alone offering, this content will enable you to give your patients the benefit of today's best know-how on thyroid disorder management from the leading resource in endocrinology.
Stay abreast of the newest knowledge and advances in thyroid endocrinology, including. the use of thyroglobulin assays and ultrasound vs. isotope scanning in thyroid cancer the latest understanding of Graves' eye disease the use of I-131 in management of multinodular goiter T4 transport defects causing thyroid hormone resistance best practices in management of thyroid disease during pregnancy and much more. Benefit from authoritative guidance on thyroid testing. Make the best clinical decisions with an enhanced emphasis on evidence-based practice in conjunction with expert opinion. Count on all the authority that has made Endocrinology, 6th Edition, edited by Drs. Jameson and De Groot, the go-to clinical medical reference for endocrinologists worldwide.