Imagine yourself in a pool of strong swimmers, all swimming clockwise. You, a Christian woman, are swimming counter-clockwise...counter-cultural, if you will. This book is for the woman who longs to rise up out of the stereotypical behavior of gossip, insecurity, pettiness, and small dreams. She has an unfulfilled desire to be someone who goes against the grain of the common for the sole purpose of living a life with conviction. The woman who reads this book is ready to believe in her deep value, ready to accept her high calling, and ready to make a difference in a world in need of her influence. Go ahead, swim against the stream to become The Uncommon Woman.
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Susie's book is gently honest. She pushes women to rise above "ordinariness" and to make uncommon choices. Her chapter titled "choose prayer over pettiness" was particularly insightful and meaningful to me. It has changed the way I relate to women, but even more than that, it's changed my heart towards them. I'm glad I've read this book and highly recommend it!
Susie has a way of giving us much more than information in her books. She gives us what we need for transformation. You come away from reading this book knowing you can be different, not just that you should. Her willingness to share her struggles, makes it easy for us to look at ours and do anything needed to change. Somehow she makes us believe that Christlike behavior is doable for us! She convinces us that pursuing more...
Are you tired of living in a "me-minded" world? Are you a woman that desires freedom? Want to love more? Forgive more? Are you in a place where you want to be set apart for a higher purpose? Have you reached a place where you are at the end of yourself? Are you willing to take a life that feels orindary and average and push towards a life that is off the charts extaordinary? My friend and fellow reader you must read...