Acknowledgements.- Table of Figures.- List of Tables.- Chapter 1 Setting the Stage: Context, Concepts, and Theoretical Constructions.- 1.1 Pivotal Events.- 1.2 Why This Book?.- 1.3 Key Concepts.- 1.3.1 Neoliberal Universities.- 1.3.2 English for Academic Purposes.- 1.3.3 Blended EAP Professionals.- 1.4 Critical Grounded Theory.- 1.4.1 Beginning Stage.- 1.4.2 Intermediate Stage.- 1.4.3 Final Stage.- 1.5 Practicing Reflexivity.- 1.5.1 Research Background and Paradigmatic Position.- 1.5.2 Composition Style, Transcription, and Data Collection.- 1.6 Structure of This Book.- Chapter 2 EAP in the Third Space of Neoliberal Universities.- 2.1 Introduction.- 2.2 The Shift to Vocationalism.- 2.3 Sociopolitical and Economic Scaffolding.- 2.3.1 Globalization and Higher Education.- 2.3.2 Massification.- 2.3.3 McDonaldization.- 2.4 Institutional Manifestations and Emergent Third Spaces .- 2.4.1 Distinguishing Between Universities: An HEI Typology.- 2.4.2 Enter The Third Space.- 2.5 Reconstructing EAP into Student Processing Units (SPUs).- 2.6 Chapter Summary.- Chapter 3 The Emergence of Blended EAP Professionals.- 3.1 Introduction.- 3.2 Blended Ambiguity.- 3.3 Life as a BLEAP.- 3.3.1 Becoming a BLEAP.- 3.3.2 Typical Tasks.- 3.3.3 Types and Trajectories.- 3.5 Chapter Summary.- Chapter 4 Hunting and Gathering.- 4.1 Introduction.- 4.2 Resource Prospecting.- 4.2.1 Seeking Resource Enhancements.- 4.2.2 Securing Dependable Resource Flows.- 4.2.3 Cultivating Potential Resources.- 4.2.4 TEAP Response to Resource Prospecting.- 4.3 Investment ServicinG.- 4.4 Milking the Cash Cow.- 4.4.1 Examples of Overseas Program Milking.- 4.4.2 Role of BLEAPs.- 4.4.3 Response of TEAPs.- 4.4.4 Covariances and Conditions.- 4.5 Resource Leeching.- 4.5.1 Internal Resource Leeching.- 4.5.2 External Resource Leeching.- 4.6 Chapter Summary.- Chapter 5 Weighing and Measuring.- 5.1 Introduction.- 5.2 Contextual Factors in the Weighing & Measuring of Higher Education.- 5.2.1 External Factors.- 5.2.2 Internal Factors.- 5.3 Weighing & Measuring Tertiary EAP Programs.- 5.3.1 Challenges to the Weighing & Measuring of EAP Programs.- 5.3.2 Strategies for Weighing & Measuring EAP Programs.- 5.4 Weighing & Measuring TEAPs.- 5.4.1 Challenges to the Weighing & Measuring of TEAPs.- 5.4.2 Strategies for Weighing & Measuring TEAPs.- 5.5 Weighing & Measuring International Students.- 5.5.1 Challenges to Weighing & Measuring International Students.- 5.5.2 Strategies for Weighing & Measuring International Students.- 5.6 Weighing & Measuring BLEAPs.- 5.6.1 Challenges to the Weighing & Measuring of BLEAPs.- 5.6.2 BLEAP Strategies for Weighing & Measuring.- 5.7 Chapter Summary.- Chapter 6 Molding and Shaping from On High.- 6.1 Introduction.- 6.2 Seeing the Big Picture.- 6.2.1 BLEAPs and the Big Picture.- 6.2.2 TEAPs in Obscurity: Puzzling out a Different Picture.- 6.3 Maintaining Control.- 6.3.1 Creating Process Frameworks.- 6.3.2 Owning the Process.- 6.3.3 In-Group Consolidation.- 6.3.4 Green Zone Construction and Bunker Building.- 6.3.5 Flow Management as a Control Maintenance Strategy.- 6.4 Making an Innovative Impact.- 6.5 Consequences of Molding & Shaping for Tertiary EAP.- 6.5.1 Surviving on Administrative Patronage.- 6.5.2 Reshaping Professional Identities.- 6.5.3 Colonial Transformation.- 6.6 Chapter Summary.- Chapter 7 Mobbing, Struggling, and Managing: A Story of Professional Disarticulation.- 7.1 Introduction.- 7.2 Professional Disarticulation.- 7.2 Potential Contributions.- 7.3 Further Implications.- 7.4 Final Thoughts.- References.