A useful learning tool for students of the Norwegian language, the English-Norwegian Glossary contains more than 4000 English entries with their commonly used Norwegian counterparts. Using the Norwegian-English glossary from the textbook Norsk, Nordmenn, og Norge as the basis for this new English-Norwegian glossary, Brenda Ekstrom provides the most comprehensive and convenient glossary now in print.
Norwegian nouns are accompanied by their appropriate articles (ei, en, or et) and the indefinite and definite plural forms whenever declension is irregular. Verbs are conjugated in present, past, and present perfect tenses. Adjectives and adverbs are listed with their plural forms and comparative degrees. All entries refer to the textbook chapters in which they first appear, and many phrases, clauses, and idioms also appear in the glossary.
The volume also contains two appendixes: a listing of proper nouns and adjectives that appear in the text book, including the names of particular people, places, and events and a convenient reference of days of the week, months of the year, and numbers (cardinal and ordinal).