Beef production faces a range of challenges. There is an ongoing need to ensure safety in the face of threats from zoonoses and other contaminants, particularly in more intensive beef production systems and with more complex supply chains (allowing potentially broader transmission). At the same time, consumers have ever higher expectations of sensory and nutritional quality.
Drawing on an international range of expertise, this book reviews research addressing safety challenges in beef production. The first part of the book addresses pathogenic risks on the farm, developments in detection techniques and safety management. The second part of the book reviews safety issues in the rest of the supply chain, from slaughterhouse operations to management of the cold chain and consumer handling of fresh beef. Ensuring safety and quality in the production of beef Volume 1: Safety will be a standard reference for animal and food scientists in universities, government and other research centres and companies involved in beef production. It is accompanied by Volume 2 which reviews quality issues in beef production.