Alzheimer's disease, Lewy Body disease, Parkinson's disease, and other forms of dementia all share one characteristic; each involves damage to the nerves of the brain. Dementia and other disorders like diabetic neuropathy, migraine headaches, autoimmune diseases and the debilities that accompany aging are also the results of nerve damage. Both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases affect Dr. William Walsh, MD, author of Escape From Dementia and he knows these dementias well because he lives with them daily. He knows how to control them.
In the past, doctors believed that injured nerves did not recover: We now know that these nerves can recover and function well. But only if the cause of the nerve damage is understood and avoided.
Dr. Walsh revised Escape From Dementia from his first book dedicated to managing dementia, Retaining The Mind, published in 2016. Knowing that our modern diet causes these diseases of nerves, he changed his diet and regained his mental and physical capabilities. He will teach you the treatment he used, slowing, and even reversing the deterioration of mind and body. He hopes you will enjoy the improved thinking and planning (and maybe writing) he enjoys.