This book contains every useful quote from all of the great minds of Stoicism. We have read, sorted, and edited so you don't have to.
The Stoic Philosophy has comforted and guided countless people through the ages who have been fortunate enough to learn from the insights of its teachers. The Stoic writings nurture the development of: an enduring demeanor, strength of will, and a desire to live in harmony with the cosmos. Many of history's greatest thinkers and leaders have credited the Stoic wisdoms with providing priceless guidance personally and professionally.Only a small number of Stoic writings have survived from ancient times with history leaving us just a handful of the most popular texts and vital quotations. This copy of "Essential Stoic Philosophy" contains only the most useful selections from the greatest thinkers of Stoicism. Including: the complete "Enchiridion (Manual)" of Epictetus, excerpts from his additional writings, and a comprehensive collection of the very best quotes from: Seneca, Zeno of Citium, Chrysippus, Quintus Sextus, Cicero, and the Emperor Marcus Aurelius.
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