Instant Access: 978-0-8036-6170-7
Access Card: 978-0-8036-6169-1
Learning. Applying. Assessing.
Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, DavisPlus Resources, and Davis Edge work together to create an immersive, multimedia learning experience for students and complete teaching materials for instructors. See how they work together here.
The text provides the foundational knowledge. DavisPlus equips instructors with the lesson plans and activities they need to create active classrooms where students can apply what they're learning. Davis Edge tracks student progress and assesses their knowledge in real time until they've mastered the must-know concepts.
Click here for a sneak peak
Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
Concepts of Care in Evidence-Based Practice, 7th Edition
Whether it's an entire course on psychiatric nursing or integrating these principles into an existing course, this is the text that's concise, engaging and informative. It offers a holistic approach to mental health nursing that explores nursing diagnoses for both physiological and psychological disorders.
Davis Edge
Davis Edge is the online Q&A review platform that integrates seamlessly into the classroom to give students the additional practice questions they need to perform well on course and board exams. Click here to learn more.
It provides instructors with the real-time information they need to monitor, track, and assess their class' vital signs...their mastery of the content and the development of their critical-thinking skills. They'll be able to easily identify the areas in which students are struggling and intervene quickly in class and on assignments to ensure that they succeed.
Comprehension and Retention: How well are students understanding the content? Participation and Engagement: Are students keeping-up with their reading and assignments? Test-Taking Skills: Are students adapting to NCLEX(R)-style questions and improving their test-taking skills?
You wouldn't wait until discharge to check a patient's vital signs...
So why wait until exam time to find out how your students are faring in the course?
An access code inside new printed texts unlocks Davis Edge and DavisPlus resources, including an ebook and Interactive Clinical Scenarios online.
What instructors are saying...
I love being able to have access to the resources available on Davis Edge. I assign weekly quizzes to help my students better understand the material they are learning. As the weeks in the semester pass, I am seeing a steady improvement in the grades my students are achieving on these quizzes. Thanks, Davis Edge "
- Lenore Cortez, Angelo State University
What students are saying...
"Davis Edge is the reason why I passed my mental health nursing course. The review questions and rationales brought my exam average from a C to an A."
- Sakina Anderson, La Grange College