Among surviving Greek tragedies only Euripides' Trojan Women shows us the extinction of a whole city, an entire people. Despite its grim theme, or more likely because of the centrality of that theme to the deepest fears of our own age, this is one of the relatively few Greek...
As bleak and agonizing a portrait of war as ever to appear on the stage, The Trojan Women is a masterpiece of pathos as well as a timeless and chilling indictment of war's brutality. Plays for Performance Series.
An industrial port of a war-torn city. Women survivors wait to be shipped abroad. Officials come and go. A grandmother, once Queen, watches as her remaining family are taken from her one by one. The city burns around them.
The Trojan Women tells the tale of four Trojan women who have survived the siege and sacking of Troy. Their husbands are dead, their families have been enslaved, and their once great city lies in ruin.The ten-year Trojan War is over, but the women who remain have the challenging...
As bleak and agonizing a portrait of war as ever to appear on the stage, The Trojan Women is a masterpiece of pathos as well as a timeless and chilling indictment of war's brutality. Plays for Performance Series.
Euripides is rightly lauded as one of the great dramatists of all time. In his lifetime, he wrote over 90 plays and although only 18 have survived they reveal the scope and reach of his genius. Euripides is identified with many theatrical innovations that have influenced drama...
With its savage indictment of the horrors of war as they affect women
and children on the losing side, Euripides Troades has been one of the
most regularly read, performed and adapted of Greek tragedies. It was
first produced in 415 BC just after the Athenians slaughter...
Trojan Womentells the story of the survivors of the Trojan War, the women and children taken into slavery by the victorious Greek army. Through the tragedy's central character, the matriarch Hecuba, this late play (415 BCE) demonstrates Euripides' commitment to speaking on behalf...
A modern-day version of Euripides' anti-war play, The Trojan Women has been rewritten and is set in a mother-and-baby unit of a prison.
The Trojan Women by Greek playwright Euripides is widely considered to be one of the top Greek tragedies of all time.
The Trojan Women, also known as Troades, is a tragedy by the Greek playwright Euripides. Produced during the Peloponnesian War, it is often considered a commentary on the capture of the Aegean island of Melos and the subsequent slaughter and subjugation of its populace by the...
Text with facing translation, commentary and notes.
Among surviving Greek tragedies only Euripides' Trojan Women shows us the extinction of a whole city, an entire people. Despite its grim theme, or more likely because of the centrality of that theme to the deepest fears of our own age, this is one of the relatively few Greek...
The Trojan Women written by legendary Greek playwright Euripides is widely considered to be one of the top Greek tragedies of all time. This great classic will surely attract a whole new generation of readers. For many, The Trojan Women is required reading for various courses...
Las troyanas es una tragedia escrita por el dramaturgo griego Eur pides. Esta obra de Eur pides trata acerca de Troya que, tras sido vencida por los atenienses, ha quedado al mando de las nicas personas sobrevivientes: las mujeres. Es una tragediacuya demostraci n es la p rdida...
One of the greatest of the Ancient Greek tragedies
As bleak and agonizing a portrait of war as ever to appear on the stage, The Trojan Women is a masterpiece of pathos as well as a timeless and chilling indictment of war's brutality.
Las Troyanas. Eur pides. Grecia 480 a. C - 406 a. C