Have you ever loved so hard you'd forgive every sin?
Misguided admirers have long declared "Romeo & Juliet" a "timeless" love story. In fact, true timelessness can only be achieved in the places where time itself is off the clock.
This is the story of Evan and Elle, a pair of soulmates from ethereal realms where there are nothing but souls. Their story of forbidden love has Shakespearean echoes with one whopper of a logistical catch. Instead of being wooed upon a remote balcony in italy, Elle is in Heaven while her Romeo is way down in Hell stuck with a really lousy roommate.
For their love to flourish, she has to lower Heaven; he must raise Hell.
The madcap love story is interspersed with heartfelt examples of forgiveness, redemption and an Afterlife so repetitively magnificent that inhabitants begin to pine for mortal grit.
The book challenges our Sunday School simplicities about right and wrong, good and evil and the Biblical real estate extremes where 83 percent of Americans believe our souls are bound to inhabit. Forever.
Today's headlines have many convinced The End is nigh. "Evan & Elle" gives us a glimpse of what's over there after it's all over here.