"Victor Clevenger is a writer whose work I genuinely get excited to read. He has a unique voice that he seamlessly
reinvents time and time again, that always remains Clevenger. Every Angel in Heaven is a Hopscotch Champion is collection
of over 300 selected poems from out-of-print releases spanning 2016 - 2020. Buy this book."
-Tohm Bakelas, poet, editor of Between Shadows Press
"Reading Victor Clevenger's Every Angel in Heaven is a Hopscotch Champion I was forced to re-examine what I
thought I knew about his work. The words between these pages aren't weary, but speak to the staying power of
childhood nostalgia and the growing pains we all go through well into middle age and beyond. This collection is
Clevenger at his most thoughtful, his most personal, just like life--you never know what's just around the corner or
the next page. Opening this book is like opening your mind to the possibilities you thought were behind you, drawing
the curtains of your mind, and letting a little sunshine wash over your heart."
- John Dorsey, author of Pocatello Wildflower
"The fresh voice of an old school poet cruising the soft light of an empty corner just before the crushing ace high
flush of first light blows thru the leaves of your one true love, this dawn explosion giving rise to the music of a
fearless young lion coming home again."
- S.A. Griffin, author of Pandemic Soul Music
"Reading Victor Clevenger is like stepping into a pair of well-worn, but still comfortable shoes; they might not be
what's in fashion, but they'll take you where you need to be. His poems are snapshots into the hearts of the lives of us
all. With great tenderness, but also (sometimes ruthlessly) without apology, this collection is Clevenger at his finest,
truest, and most devastatingly real."
- James Benger, author of From the Back, and
founder of the online workshop 365 Poems in
365 Days
"As Michaelangelo saw the angel in the marble and carved until it was set free, Clevenger sculpts the hard jagged
stuff of this world into cottony fabric and warm yielding flesh. He shapes a series of astonishing moments from an
immense block of stone the size of his lifetime, chipping away until the poetry wastes not a word. With the precision
of a surgeon, Victor draws not only the blood from rock but brings out tears and breath."
- Jonathan S Baker, author of Obituaries and
co-author of Centaur
"With tough guy bravery, heart that will sweeten your brew, and uninhibited sexiness, Every Angel in Heaven is a Hopscotch
Champion is a full entree of poetry. The unpredictability of life shifts from something lonely to something beautiful
with the additions of friends, children, and lovers. This collection is founded on the wisdom that we each carry
the sunlight of hope."
- Linzi Garcia, author of Thank You
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