Liberals use a hidden, powerful weapon against us to destroy our liberty and steal what we earn. That weapon is the evil notion that we are all our brothers' keeper, and that government has the right to force "compassion" down our throats at the point of a gun. Turtel tells us why we need to reject that evil idea. He explains why we are NOT our brother's keeper, and that government's only proper job is to protect our rights and our lives, not to steal our money to "redistribute" to every pressure group that wants an unearned handout or bailout. Turtel finally says it --- no one owes us a living, there are no guarantees in life, and someone else's economic problems are not a claim on your life or your family's life.
Dynamite excerpts from the bookThe cruelty of liberal-looters --- "No one has the right to take one penny you've earned without your approval. Yet welfare-state liberals presume the right to steal up to 40% of your money in taxes . . . It's liberals who are cruel and vicious. They have no mercy for the middle class, no mercy for those who work and struggle to pay for liberals' alleged compassion. It's so easy to be noble with other peoples' money."The arrogance of liberal-looters --- "Liberals don't ask you to pay for entitlement programs. Instead, they point a tax gun at you and say, "your money or your life." Liberal-looters assume that the only person who has no right to your money is you, the person who earned it." Entitlements --- "Welfare, food stamps, bank bailouts, farm subsidies, corporate subsidies, and thousands of other entitlements aren't rights. They're handouts that liberals give to some people by robbing others. So an economic "right' is not a right at all. Instead, it's simply a license to steal . . . . One of the Ten Commandments says, "Thou shalt not steal." It does not say, "Thou shalt not steal, except if you need food stamps or a bank bailout."Compassion --- "Liberal-looters turn our natural compassion into a moral and political duty --- they turn compassion into compulsion."Environmental regulations --- "From the Revolutionary War to the war in Iraq, hundreds of thousands of brave Americans have died fighting to defend our freedom. Yet today, with little protest, we throw our liberty into the gutter for the sake of rats, owls, and wetlands swamps."˃˃˃ Obamacare is a trainwreck heading straight for youObamacare --- By stealing 50 percent of Medicare's funding, Obamacare tells seniors that "you don't matter anymore." Obamacare bureaucrats tell Medicare seniors, in effect, "just shut up and die quickly, because you've outlived your life and younger people are more important than you." Are we headed for a socialized-medicine nightmare with rationing and death lists?
˃˃˃ Barack Hussein ObamaThe first time I heard Obama in an interview, he was talking with Joe the plumber. He told Joe that we should "redistribute" income from "the rich." I knew immediately that Obama was a Marxist, and would be the arsenic of America. I was right. After seven years of Obama's never-ending "great recession," over 92 million Americans either have no job or are no longer looking for a job . In the last fiscal quarter, our GDP CONTRACTED by 2.5% (vs COMMUNIST China, where a 5% growth rate is slow for them). In 2014, we now have 47 million Americans on food stamps. In 2004, it was 25 million. Obama has become America's Titanic, especially for minorities.
˃˃˃ Global warmingMan-made global warming --- the fraud of the century, and the wet-dream of the anti-industrial-revolution left. There has been no global warming for the last