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LawWork Like Your Dog contains some nuggets of wisdom, and lots of advice on how to play at your job, approaching it as if it were a game. I LIKE many of the ideas, such as treating your employees even better than your customers, but I can't imagine applying them in my own straight-laced, uptight work environment. Unless you're the president or the CEO (and perhaps, even if you are), implementing most of the ideas in this book...
I've just returned from a reading of this book by my philosophy professor, Dr. Luke Barber. Although he only read from a couple chapters, it was easy to figure out that this book is definitely a must have for anyone who loves life (or would like to learn how). Containing good, useful (not to mention funny) stories, you will be able to relate to the text easily and effectively! I plan on purchasing this book and I would...
Do you want to improve YOUR working environment? Buy a copy of this for your CEO or manager. Have a singing messenger deliver it, and watch your place of business turn into a place you WANT to go to. These examples and stories are useful even outside the your everyday life. In an period of low unemployment, where employee retention is difficult, these ideas can give your company an edge on your competition...
If you ever get the chance to share an office with Matt Weinstein or Luke Barber, don't pass it up. These coauthors, respectively a management consultant and a philosophy professor, tell hilarious stories and exhibit both fiendish creativity and charming warmth in this worthwhile manual of making work fun. The anecdotes are superb. When Barber recounts spending a summer moonlighting from his job as a college professor...
What a great book! Matt and Luke spotlight the inanities of life and how your life needs to have more of them. They provide a clear reminder not to take yourself, your circumstances, or your life too seriously. It's the next best thing to having your own personal therapist help you keep things in perspective -- and a lot cheaper as well!!" -- Bob Nelson, President Nelson Motivation, Inc. Author 1001 Ways to Reward Employees...