What do you want from Jesus? You pray to Him. You call Him your Lord. You may even feel like He is your friend. You may be longing for a relationship with Him that you see others having, yet it somehow eludes you. What do you think Jesus wants from you? Will you have to give up a lot of things to walk with Him? If you want to be a friend of Jesus, He is by you right now. He has always been with you, even though you may not have known it. Did you know you can have conversations with Jesus where He talks with you as you would talk to a friend? You can establish the habit of walking with Jesus, talking with Jesus, and hearing His voice respond to your questions. Try it for 40 days. Invite Him to be your daily companion. He can be more real to you than any other person you know. You can experience more joy in His presence than you have ever felt before. He stands at the door of your heart, knocking. If you will open the door and let Him in, He will come in and share a meal with you, a meal that can last for eternity.