Ann Oakley came to widespread attention as part of the new school of British feminists to emerge in the 1960s, and has since earned a reputation as one of the most innovative feminist thinkers and social scientists writing today. In Experiments in Knowing, a major new work, Oakley integrates her personal and professional thinking to examine the historical development of methodology in the social and natural sciences, demonstrating how both fields have been subject to a process of gendering. Oakley not only reconciles the long-standing opposition between the quantitative and the qualitative methods but shows that the experimental and intuitive approaches must be used in tandem to provide a full understanding of any subject of scientific inquiry.
Written in accessible language, Experiments in Knowing addresses themes of common interest across such diverse fields as social policy, education, health, and women's studies. Certain to generate considerable debate, it is both a fascinating history of the practice of social science from a feminist perspective, as well as an argument for a new way of thinking about our ways of knowing.