Federal and California Evidence Rulesfacilitates close study and exacting comparisons of the Federal Rules of Evidence and the California Evidence Code. It is an ideal tool to prepare for the California Bar Examination, which now tests both Federal and California evidence law.
Three Distinct Sections Assist in Analyzing and Solving Evidentiary Problems
PART I displays the restyled Federal Rules of Evidence, effective December 1, 2011, and comparable sections of the California Evidence Code side-by-side for easy comparison. The authors have added their commentary delineating the significant differences between the two codes, aiding the reader's analysis of each provision.
PART II covers the Federal Rules of Evidence, including the text of the rules, amendments, legislative history, and case notes of leading decisions. The text of both the restyled and the superseded version of each Federal Rule of Evidence is set out for purposes of comparison and analysis.
PART III covers the California Evidence Code, including the full text with amendments, legislative history, and notes of important judicial interpretations.
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