Fifty Key Texts in Art History is an anthology of critical commentaries selected from the classical period to the late modern. It explores some of the central and emerging themes, issues and debates within Art History as an increasingly expansive and globalised discipline. It features an international range of contributors, including art historians, artists, curators and gallerists.
Arranged chronologically, each entry includes a bibliography for further reading and a key word index for easy reference. Text selections range across issues including artistic value, cultural identity, modernism, gender, psychoanalysis, photographic theory, poststructuralism and postcolonialism.
Rozsika Parker and Griselda Pollock Old Mistresses, Women, Art & Ideology (1981)
Victor Burgin's The End of Art Theory: Criticism and Postmodernity (1986)
Homi Bhabha The Location of Culture: Hybridity, Liminal Spaces and Borders (1994)
Geeta Kapur When was Modernism in Indian Art? (1995)
Judith Butler's Gender Trouble (1999)
Georges Didi Huberman Confronting Images. Questioning the Ends of a Certain History of Art (2004)