Yellow and red, orange and brown--fall is full of color
This nonfiction picture book, written and illustrated by Mia Posada, beautifully explains why leaves change color in fall. It highlights both the eye-catching colors of the season and the science behind the colors. Back matter offers additional scientific details for curious readers as well as suggested further reading and links to hands-on activities.
"A visually appealing and unusually informative picture book for curious kids."--starred, Booklist
" G]lorious art . . ."--starred, Kirkus Reviews
No matter how massive our TBR piles get, we're always finding new titles we want to throw on top of them! Here are 24 exciting March releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.
Grady Hendrix's newest novel, The Final Girl Support Group has been hitting all the bestseller lists and it's easy to see why! The horror thriller inspired by 1970s and '80s slasher films is certainly a page-turner. Described as having a style that is "equal part tender and terrifying," Hendrix is certainly one to watch.