The modern dating scene can be more than a little confusing. Popular books try to reduce finding a mate to a game with important rules. Magazine articles ask the question, "Who needs a man anyway?" And your Bible study leader seems to imply that the day you give up on getting married, the man God intended for you will ask you out. Finding Mr. Right offers a different perspective.
Authors Stephen Arterburn, M.Ed. and Meg J. Rinck, Ph.D. reject the idea that a woman looking for someone to marry is on a desperate, demeaning hunt. Neither do they believe that if a woman is simply patient, her one and only perfect mate will one day walk out of the mist and hand her a bouquet of flowers. Instead, they recognize that wanting to get married is a legitimate desire.
Finding Mr. Right outlines steps you can take toward a strong, satisfying marriage relationship, including:
Become the confident woman who can attract the kind of man you wantMake lifestyle choices that increase your odds of meeting someoneRecognize the qualities that make a man Mr. RightAvoid the behaviors that sabotage a good relationshipBuild a solid relationship with the right person