Anne Seale's latest title "Finding Ms. Wright" is a superb follow-up to her debut novel, "Packing Mrs. Phipps." Soldiering on with a never-overstated lesbian derring-do, Seale's heroine, Jo Jacuzzo, searches the wilds of a seldom-seen Oklahoma for the missing Honey Lou. Jacuzzo's forthright internal dialogue is a laugh-out-loud delight, but the sarcasm is rarely biting, and consequently Jo's insecurities, hunches, and fears...
Members of The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy have been insisting that the Oklahoma schools have been infiltrated by a lesbian underground. One sapphic clique's secrets cause Jo to head down there at the request of her best friend, Weezer. I like this series because Jo is Jo. The money she inherited at the end of the first book (apologies if that's a spoiler) hasn't changed her at all. I'd like the next one to show her life in...
Jo Jacuzzo gets around the country, in her motor home she calls Dan'l. She took quite a trip from home town Buffalo, NY to Tampa in Packing Mrs. Phipps, Anne Seale's funny and smart first lesbian mystery novel. And now the sometimes too-helpful inquisitive young butch Jo just has to say yes to another friend whose long-ago lover, Honey Lou Wright, is missing. Last seen in the lake country of Oklahoma, which I didn't even...