From the Somme to Gallipoli to the home front, First WorldWar For Dummies provides an authoritative, accessible, andengaging introduction to the War to End All Wars. It takes a globalperspective of this global conflict, proving insight into theactions and motivations of the participants and how eachnation's story fits into the wider one.
Coverage also includes:
The origins of the war and a snapshot of what the world lookedlike at the beginning of the 20th centuryThe battles of Western Europe, and action in the Southern andEastern FrontsThe war at home -- the civilian war, propaganda, opposition, politics, protests, and more 1918: The German spring offensive, the Allied success and thebeginning of the endThe Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations, and the effecton the futureFirst World War For Dummies is the go-to source forreaders seeking to learn more about the fundamental event of the20th century.
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