Like many of my favorite things, I came upon this project when two interesting ideas crashed together.
First, of course, was the haiku.
Despite paying them little attention, I have always had a quiet admiration of the haiku. Perhaps this is because I admire short fiction, and the haiku is, by definition, about as short as you can get. Well-done haiku feel so ephemeral. Almost magical. Its simple 5-7-5 beat structure can feel barren at times, and, in fact, when in cavalier hands, that barren nature can come off as too slight. In other hands, though, the aura of a haiku leaves one wanting to dwell in the essence of the images it creates.
There's a magical balance in a haiku that may not exist in other forms of poetry, or at least not in quite the same way. I always find them interesting.
Yet, despite this framework, I rarely wrote any.
The second idea was artificial intelligence and its generation of art.
Ron Collins, Introduction
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