The Self-Propelled Island is the first unabridged English translation of Jules Verne's original story featuring a famous French string quartet that is abducted by an American businessman and taken to Standard Island to perform for its millionaire inhabitants. The quartet...
The Self-Propelled Island is the first unabridged English translation of Jules Verne's original story featuring a famous French string quartet that is abducted by an American businessman and taken to Standard Island to perform for its millionaire inhabitants. The quartet...
Volume 41 of 54 of Jules Verne's "Extraordinary Voyages", first printed in 1895.A string quartet finds themselves playing a most unusual venue: a massive man-made island, known as Standard Island. Larger than any watercraft ever devised, the island is home to only the most wealthy...
Propeller Island (1895), a science fiction novel about a massive ship in the Pacific Ocean inhabited entirely by millionaires, was first published as part of the "Voyages Extraordinaires." Includes a new introduction by literary scholar Darrell Schweitzer.
Propeller Island (1895), a science fiction novel about a massive ship in the Pacific Ocean inhabited entirely by millionaires, was first published as part of the "Voyages Extraordinaires." Includes a new introduction by literary scholar Darrell Schweitzer.
The Floating Island, or The Pearl of the Pacific (also published as Propeller Island, and as The Self-Propelled Island) is a science fiction novel by French author Jules Verne (1828-1905). It was first published in 1895 as part of the Voyages Extraordinaires. It relates the...
Cette oeuvre fait partie de la s rie TREDITION CLASSICS. La maison d' dition tredition, bas e Hambourg, a publi dans la s rie TREDITION CLASSICS des ouvrages anciens de plus de deux mill naires. Ils taient pour la plupart puis s ou unique-ment disponible chez les bouquinistes...
Cette oeuvre ( dition reli ) fait partie de la s rie TREDITION CLASSICS. La maison d' dition tredition, bas e Hambourg, a publi dans la s rie TREDITION CLASSICS des ouvrages anciens de plus de deux mill naires. Ils taient pour la plupart puis s ou uniquement disponible chez...
Jules Verne (1828-1905) est un crivain fran ais, dont une grande partie de l'oeuvre est consacr e des romans d'aventures et de science-fiction (appel s du temps de Jules Verne romans d'anticipation) comme Le Voyage au Centre de la Terre (1864) et Vingt Mille Lieues Sous les...
The Floating Island, or The Pearl of the Pacific (also published as Propeller Island, and as The Self-Propelled Island) is a science fiction novel by French author Jules Verne (1828-1905). It was first published in 1895 as part of the Voyages Extraordinaires. It relates the...
Le roman raconte l'histoire d'un quatuor de musiciens fran ais dans une le flottante, le Standard-Island, propuls e, comme l'indique le titre, par des h lices. Cette le flottante contient principalement une ville, Milliard City, habit e uniquement par des gens riches et b n...
"L' le h lice" de Jules Verne. Jules Verne, crivain fran ais (1828-1905).