1. Chapter 1: Beowulf and Formula
1.1 Formula and Formulaic System
1.2 Action-Pattern, Theme, Type-Scene, Motif
1.3 Structural Repetition
1.4 Story-Pattern, Tale-type
1.5 Conclusion
2. Chapter 2: The Half-Line Formula: weox under wolcnum (8a)
2.1 The Critical Background
2.2 Reading weox under wolcnum (8a)
2.3 Old Saxon: uu?num undar uuolcnun
2.4 Conclusion
3. Chapter 3: The Fitt Formula: Genesis and Fitt 1
3.1 Reading Fitt 1
3.2 Conclusion
4. Chapter 4: The Digressive Formula: The Sigemund-Heremod Digression
4.1 Background
4.2 Reading the Sigemund-Heremod Digression
4.3 Under harne stan (887b)
4.4 The Charter Evidence
4.5 Conclusion
5. Chapter 5: The Folktale Formula: Beowulf and ?rvar-Odds saga
5.1 The Development and Survival of ?rvar-Odds saga
5.2 The Structure of ?rvar-Odds saga
5.3 Genealogy
5.4 ?rvar-Odds saga and Beowulf
5.5 The Five Fights
5.6 Conclusion
6. Chapter 6: The Formula Reformulated: Sellic Spell and The Hobbit
6.1 Sellic Spell
6.2 The Hobbit: Introduction
6.3 The Hobbit: Formula and Structure
6.4 The Hobbit: Theme
6.5 The Hobbit: Digressions and Episodes
6.6 The Hobbit: Story-Pattern
6.7 Conclusion