As a genealogist I am always searching for books concerning the life and times of my ancestors. "Foreign and Female" is the best book I have read concerning women's lives and expectations in the time period 1840 - 1930. It gives insight into why the women of their time accepted and dealt with the hardships presented to them. As mentioned by a previous reviewer it will make you laugh, cry and at times become angry at the...
I bought "Foreign and Female" because I am an amateur genealogist, and I hoped to gain more insight to the lives of those 19th- and early 20th-century European female ancestors whose lives I am researching. I was not disappointed: For this purpose, I think, the book is rivaled only by Oscar Handlin's "The Uprooted", and it should be mandatory reading for any would-be American family historian.Beyond this, though, I highly...
wonderful exerpts of daily lives of these brave women. Told first hand. i truly enjoyed the different way this was told about all the ethnic beliefs .Made me realize more of what my family went through when they came to this great country.Would highly recommend this book. i am a huge fan of non fiction diaries and early american life.
This book contains so many endearing accounts of women and their lives. I smile and cry reading these stories, thinking of my own ancestors and their similar stories! After reading this book, I feel so much closer to the women to whom I am so similar, and yet never met!