Foundations of Library Services and Programming for Children This book provides required foundational practices, both theoretical and practical. It gives students and working librarians the nuts- and- bolts foundation in providing programming and services for children. The book covers critical important elements needed for today's librarian, thereby benefitting even the seasoned youth librarian.
Chapter coverage includes:
The Value of Library Services to ChildrenProgram Evaluation: Planning for Desired ResultsChildren's ProgrammingServices and Resources for ChildrenThe Library as a Safe Space for AllAdministration of Children's ServicesLooking Ahead: What's Next in Library Services for Children?An Appendix provides practical resources such as a storytime format, programming planning outline, and program assessment tools.
Special topics include issues of censorship attempts, the importance of providing library services to a diverse population, and the need to examine evaluative techniques for program offerings.
Each chapter in this text includes multiple opportunities for learning and reflection as well as case-based learning that facilitates problem-solving and experiential learning opportunities.
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