Steven Maimes is a researcher, philosopher, writer, and principal of SALAM Research in New Hampshire. Author of Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief. Contact: smaimes at gmail.
- We are always on a journey whether we know it or not. Our journey is to any place different from where we are now.
- History is an example and warning to the future. Knowing the past helps one to anticipate the future thus enhance the present.
- The act of imagining allows us to expand time and touch the past. It allows us to play in the present and glimpse the future. It helps provide meaning to experience and understanding to knowledge. It is a fundamental facility through which we make sense of the world.
- The world is constantly upgrading. The question becomes how slow or fast do we participate? With the speed of angels does awareness change. We hold on to thoughts until the next one appears. We act with awareness or not.
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