Frederick the Wise unlocks German research to make available in English, for the first time, a full-length story of Frederick III of Saxony. The fascinating biographical journey reveals why this noteworthy elector risked his realm of Saxony to protect the fiery monk Martin Luther and the developing reforms of the Church. As one of the most powerful territorial princes of the Holy Roman Empire of his time, Frederick's "humanity and integrity were rare for someone of his elite status", notes Dr. Paul M. Bacon. "Elector Frederick the Wise of Saxony was much more than simply Martin Luther's noble protector."
A valuable resource for students of German history and the Reformation period.
Discusses how Frederick dominated other princes of the Holy Roman Empire for nearly 40 yearsTells why Frederick's only "wife"-but not their children-had to be kept "secret"Chronology of events relevant to Frederick the WiseIndex of persons and places