Do you ever feel like you have a million things to do, but you're not doing any of them?
Do you make a to-do list, then promptly lose it or ignore it? Do you accomplish lots of little tasks but ignore the important ones? Do you suspect you'll never get caught up? If you're a procrastinator, you know how hopeless that feels.
Thankfully, God can help you overcome procrastination The Bible tells us we're transformed by the renewing of the mind. This works for anything we want to change, including overcoming procrastination.
The question is, how do you renew your mind about procrastination? That's one of the questions we'll be answering in Freedom from Procrastination.
The book includes: Bibles studies to help you explore why you procrastinate and how to overcome it. As you see how people like Moses, Jonah, and Jesus handled the things they didn't feel like doing, you'll see how you can handle those things.Productivity tips to help you attack procrastination from a practical perspective.To-do lists to help you develop the habit of making and finishing a realistic to-do list each day.Renewing activities to help you renew your mind when everything in you is shouting, "I'll do it later " This will make you actually want to do your dreaded task or habit - or at least not mind doing it.
This is a five-week (six-class) study that works well for both individuals and groups. A leader's guide is available at the author's website.