This is a good picture book which the kids just love to look at over and over. It is also fairly comprehensive on the "how-to's" of raising all kinds of frogs.
This is a nice soft cover book my 12 year old loves it. It it easy for kids and adults to understand. Lots of great pictures and overall information!Its a very popular book I sell on my we page "Frogs and Amphibians". I own and use this Covers many types of frogs and toads.
this book ofers hundreds of species and the care and maitnence of each one. overall will help you learn how to properly treat your frogs!
This is overall an exellent book. I do not think I agree with all the cage sizes Mr Bartlett states. Some of the one he reccomeds are larger than what most do. Still, if your a newbie, I would reccomend this book.