Merriam Press World War 2 History Series.
The story of Merrill's Marauders in the CBI is the latest work by a dedicated, well-known special forces historian. From formation and training to first combat and final action at Myitkyina, this is their story. Includes details and photos of insignia.
The Author
Michael Frederic Dilley is a former paratrooper, serving in XVIII Airborne Corps and the 82nd Airborne Division. He served in Vietnam for two years. He retired from the U.S. Army in 1984 after duty as a counterintelligence agent, intelligence analyst, case officer, and interrogator. During his last eighteen months in the 82nd Airborne, he helped to develop SERE training for high risk personnel. He has a B.A. in History from Columbia College in Missouri. Michael is a staff writer for Behind the Lines magazine, specializing in military history articles about World War II special operations. He also reviews books with special operations themes for Infantry and Behind the Lines. His second book, co-written with Lance Q. Zedric, Elite Warriors: 300 Years of America's Best Troops, was published in 1996 by Pathfinder Publications.
Introduction by Gary A. Linderer, Executive Editor, Behind the Lines
The Entering Wedge
Roadblock at Walawbum
Under Siege
Myitkyina, MARS and Beyond
35 photos
8 maps
2 illustrations
2 organization charts
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