An Ostiense neighborhood is known poetically as the village in the city of Rome.
Founded in the late 1920s, Garbatella was planned using methods derived from the English garden city movement. The blend of living quarters, commercial buildings and greenbelts created better living conditions.
Sidewalks pass by dozens of courtyards built with unique configurations of gardens, stairways and balconies. Eclectic architecture displays playful and refined elements to create a suburb unlike any other in the city of Rome.
Get lost in this relaxed Roman maze with the color photos in Garden City Garbatella: The Village in Rome (a Travel Photo Art book).
Laine Cunningham, a three-time recipient of The Hackney Award, writes fiction that takes readers around the world. Her debut novel The Family Made of Dust is set in the Australian Outback, while Reparation is a novel of the American Great Plains. She is the editor of Sunspot Literary Journal.
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