"God almighty first planted a garden: and, indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures." -- Sir Francis Bacon National surveys show that gardening has become the most popular, least exclusive hobby nationwide. From the balconies of Manhattan to the patios of Malibu to the backyards of Chicago, anybody with a few square feet of earth is doing their best to make their little corner of the world more gracious and beautiful. And the best thing is, you really don't have to be born with a green thumb to give life to a glorious garden. Anybody can do it with a little coaching. Which is where Gardening All-in-One For Dummies comes in. Puzzled by pruning? Baffled by bulbs? Can't tell a hosta from a hyacinth? Don't worry This all-in-one reference delivers the know-how you need to transform your little patch of the outdoors into a blooming paradise. Drawing upon the expertise of the National Gardening Association, it gets you up to speed on: Basic gardening skills--from understanding your microclimate to using gardening tools to managing pests and common plant diseases How to design, plan and build a garden landscape that reflects your unique sense of style Selecting, planting and maintaining stunning roses Building a raised bed for your perennials and making them bloom in any climate Choose, grow and maintain annuals From amaryllis to spider dahlias to wood tulips--coaxing beauty from homely bulbs Enjoying nature's bounty by growing you own vegetables and herbs A veritable encyclopedia of gardening, this Gardening All-in-One For Dummies is an indispensable resource for novices and experienced gardeners alike. It brings together between the covers of a single volume seven great books covering: Gardening Basics Garden Design Roses Perennials Annuals Bulbs Vegetables and Herbs Your one-step guide to a beautiful garden, Gardening All-in-One For Dummies shows you how to experience the "purest of human pleasures" in your own backyard.
Whether you have just begun breaking ground in your new garden and have no green thumb of which to speak or you are curious about expanding your knowledge, this book has loads of information and easy-to-follow guidelines. Here you can learn about annuals, perennials, grasses, you can learn how to build a retaining wall, learn all about vegetable gardens, learn about sun and shade plants and flowers, etc. I was very pleased with this book, and I use it as a reference guide.
More information about gardening than I even knew existed!
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 15 years ago
First of all, I am a true "gardening dummy". I am trying my hand with gardening for the first time in my life. I bought this book shortly after buying my first house (which came with a yard!) I have always loved the idea of growing lovely plants but have never really tried to do much gardening before. The thing that I really like about this book is that it touches so many subjects! For example, at first, I was reading about general information, plants, soil types, vegetable gardening, etc. but I have found that as I try to grow things in my yard, and a question or problem arises, I can usually find an explanation/solution in this book! It's not super-technical but it does a great job of explaining things to true gardening dummies!
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 16 years ago
This book is absolutely amazing!! We used to have gardens when I was little but, typical child that I was, I hated it and did not pay any attention. Now I am slowing down and want to do more than plant flowers (although I am not giving them up either!!) and don't know a darn thing about what to plant where. That is where this book comes in! It has practical tips about what to plant together to balance the nutrients. What plants need the same amount of water and sun (so you don't plant a sun lover in the shade!). And it is so easy to find what you are looking for in a matter of minutes not hours (like some books I have looked at). Plus it doesn't assume you know all of the terminology of gardening (as if I know what air layering, complete flowers, dormant oil, soil sterilizing, and sweating plants are--just to name a few one book I picked up used). This book is a must read for the basic beginner gardener who just wants to know what plants repel what pests and what should be planted where. It is a great, no-frills instruction manual that is user friendly. I would recommend it to anyone (except people who actually know what sweating plants are, and they probably don't need a guide anyway!!!).
A must buy for the beginner
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 17 years ago
A must read to all those new to gardening. It is a simple, easy to read and will give you a general understand of all aspects of gardening. This book is written in the typical style and format of all the Dummy books and is great!
Gardening All-in-One for Dummies
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 18 years ago
Great book. Wonderful service and fast delivery. Thank you.
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