1. The Application of Structure Activity Relationships to the Prediction of the Mutagenic Activity of Chemicals
Philip Judson
2. Bacterial Mutagenicity Assays: Test Methods
David Gatehouse
3. The Mouse Lymphoma Assay
Melvyn Lloyd and Darren Kidd
4. Mammalian Cell HPRT Gene Mutation Assay: Test Methods
George E. Johnson
5. The In Vitro Mammalian Chromosome Aberration Test
Gill Clare
6. The Interpretation and Analysis of Cytogenetic Data
Natalie Danford
7. The In Vitro Micronucleus Assay
Ann T. Doherty
8. The In Vitro and In Vivo Comet Assays
Brian Burlinson
9. Assessment of DNA Interstrand Crosslinks (ICLs) Using the Modified Alkaline Comet Assay
Jian Hong Wu and Nigel J. Jones
10. 32P-Postlabelling for the Sensitive Detection of DNA Adducts
Nigel J. Jones
11. Methods for the Detection of DNA Adducts
Karen Brown
12. The GADD45a-GFP GreenScreen HC Assay
Richard M. Walmsley and Matthew Tate
13. Real Time Reverse-Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR): Technical Considerations for Gene Expression Analysis
Shareen H. Doak and Zoulikha M. Za?r
14. Cytogenetic In Vivo Assays in Somatic Cells
Ann T. Doherty, Adolph Baumgartner, and Diana Anderson
15. Cytogenetic Methods in Human Biomonitoring: Principles and Uses
Raluca A. Mateuca, Ilsa Decordier, and Micheline Kirsch-Volders
16. The Measurement of Induced Genetic Change in Mammalian Germ Cells
Ilse-Dore Adler, Francesca Pacchierotti, and Antonella Russo
17. Transgenic Animal Mutation Models: A Review of the Models and How They Function
Steve Dean
18. Analysis of Genotoxicity Data in a Regulatory Context
Ian de G. Mitchell and David O.F. Skibinski