Paul R e (1849-1901), an interdisciplinary traveller and admirer of the French moralistes, but also of Schopenhauer and Darwin, was for a time one of the closest friends of Lou Andreas-Salom and Friedrich Nietzsche. With his publications, R e wanted to convert moral philosophy into moral science.
This edition presents his books Psychologische Beobachtungen (Psychological Observations) (1875), Der Ursprung der moralischen Empfindungen ( The Origin of Moral Sensations) (1877), Die Entstehung des Gewissens (The Genesis of Conscience) (1885) and Die Illusion der Willensfreiheit (The Illusion of Free Will) (1885). Together with a sketch of R e's biography and the history of his works, which makes hitherto unknown documents accessible (such as the official record of R e's fatal fall), Treiber reveals numerous sources for R e's texts. In addition, he reproduces available contemporary reactions to the publications.
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