Getting a Grip On the Basics of Generous Living is a powerful and comprehensive study guide designed for either individual or group use. This workbook will help to lead both the new and the mature Christian into a sound understanding of God's plan for blessings, success and abundance, along with an understanding of godly stewardship, generosity and Biblical financial principles. By studying the Scriptures and completing this workbook, believers will see that a spirit of generosity has always been the distinguishing mark of God's people. As followers of Christ, tap into God's economic laws, they will experience the timeless truth that generous giving is God's secret for blessed living.
Here's what you'll discover...
Abundance As Part of God's Original Plan Generosity, The Distinguishing Mark of Believers Increase in the Lives of God's People The Difference between Materialism and Godly Prosperity Understanding Stewardship and the Laws of Sowing and Reaping How a Generous Spirit, Tithing and Giving Affect Your Financial Wealth Steps to Managing Your Money God's Way