NO one is COMING
No one's coming to tell you to get out the door and determine what you want, where you want to work.
Nobody's coming to tell you to apply for that job that you always dreamt about, to work with that company that you know you want to work with.
Do you know what will make your request for an interview more compelling, make them say......?
Do you know the one move and phase that will make them stop and take notice of you?
Do you have an edge in preparedness in the Approach step? Do you have an edge in preparedness in the interview step? Do you have an edge in the follow-up step?
If you have answered No to those 3 questions this book is a must have for you. If you answered no to the 3 questions in bold print you won't even get consider
Do you want your own paychecks coming in for part-time work hours
Do you want full-time paychecks, it's all within reach.
It all starts with getting started. See you on page Get Started in this book
Larry Randolph